Assets and Wallet In Game
Click on the "Assets" icon or the "Wallet" icon in the upper-right corner; you can view your assets.
Player assets
Player assets are divided into a "Spending Account" and a "Assets".
Spending Account: This account contains off-chain spMMM (spending MMM) and uMMM(unlocked MMM).
spMMM: The off-chain currency spent and acquired in the game, can be converted into uMMM.
uMMM: You can withdraw and convert it into on-chain $MMM at any time.
The exchange rules for spMMM and uMMM are as follows:
spMMM to uMMM conversion offers three options: 3 days, 7 days, or 15 days. For instance, selecting a 15-day conversion for 1500 spMMM will yield 100 uMMM per day, with the process spanning 15 days until completion.
uMMM to spMMM conversion is instant, and for every 1000uMMM converted, you will receive some superBox rewards.
Wallet: Contains on-chain MMM and the currency of the current game's blockchain.
Assets transfer
You can transfer your assets between the spending account and wallet.
From Spending to Wallet: transfer off-chain uMMM to on-chain $MMM.
From Wallet to Spending: transfer on-chain $MMM to off-chain uMMM.
Clicking "Open Wallet" opens the wallet,here you can view, add, and transfer your on-chain assets.
Last updated